Frequently Asked Questions

Here we answer some common questions that you might have

If you need help with our Recruitment Portal, see here. Many of the topics covered below have more details in our Staff Handbook.

My Personal Information

Who do I tell if any of my personal details, like my address, change? 

If you have been offered a job but not received a contract to sign, please inform your head office contact of your change of details immediately.

If you have signed a contract but not started work, please inform your head office contact of your change of details immediately.

If you have completed a Starter Checklist (this happens just before you start work), please email to explain your change of details.

It is important you give us the correct and most up to date personal information to ensure we can pay on time and send you your payslips.

I think my tax code is wrong? What should I do?

Your tax code is determined by the option you selected on your Starter Checklist in answer to the question "Which one of the following statements applies to you?", in reference to your previous employment.

Selecting the following options will give the following tax codes:
A - 1257L
B - 1257L W1/M1
C - BR

If you completed your Starter Checklist incorrectly, HMRC will issue payroll a "correction notice" to us at ANGLO and the tax will be reimbursed in a future week. 

ANGLO payroll is legally obliged to process your pay as instructed by HMRC, if you believe your tax code is still incorrect after your second payday, you will need to contact HMRC for them to issue a "correction notice" for ANGLO to be permitted to adjust your tax code. 

Getting Paid

I think I've not been paid for the correct hours. What should I do?

Please note that hours worked between Saturday to Friday inclusive will be paid on the Friday of the following week. For example, if you receive a payment on Friday 25th July 2026, your payment will reflect the hours worked from Saturday 12th July to Friday 18h July inclusive.

If you have checked your payment against the hours worked between the previous Saturday to the previous Friday, and still believe you have not been paid for the correct hours, then please notify if you are a member of our teaching staff, or if you are a member of our activity staff.

When will I be paid my Holiday Pay?

Your holiday pay will be paid at the rate of 12.07% of your normal pay for each hour worked in each pay period. Your holiday pay will be paid to you at the same time as your wages on your usual pay date and will be clearly identified on your payslip. 

As holiday pay will be included each time you are paid, you are strongly advised to set aside and save up the holiday pay in order that you have funds to draw on at the time you take holidays. 

You will be paid holiday pay for holiday that you accrue during periods of sick leave or statutory leave in each relevant pay period, based on the average holiday pay you were paid for each pay period during the 52 weeks before the start of such sick or statutory leave. 

I think I've paid too much tax. What should I do?

Your tax code is determined by the option you selected on your Starter Checklist in answer to the question "Which one of the following statements applies to you?", in reference to your previous employment.

Selecting the following options will give the following tax codes:
A - 1257L
B - 1257L W1/M1
C - BR

If you completed your Starter Checklist incorrectly, HMRC will issue payroll a "correction notice" to us at ANGLO and the tax will be reimbursed in a future week. 

ANGLO payroll is legally obliged to process your pay as instructed by HMRC, if you believe your tax code is still incorrect after your second payday, you will need to contact HMRC for them to issue a "correction notice" for ANGLO to be permitted to adjust your tax code.

You can find further information on the HMRC website via the following link:

When do I get paid? When will I receive my payslip?

As per the ANGLO Staff Handbook you'll be paid every Friday, a week in arrears. You will receive a payslip on/before the same Friday, though this may arrive after you have been paid.

Your payslip is issued each Friday around 5pm, so please don't contact us before that. (Sometimes your wages arrive in your account before your payslip arrives in your inbox)

What is the password to view my payslip?

The payslip you receive in PDF format via email is password-protected. The password is your date of birth in dd/mm/yy format. 

If your date of birth is 1st of July 1994, you need to enter 01/07/94 (please remember to include the slashes).

The password to view my payslip is incorrect. What should I do?

The payslip you receive in PDF format via email is password-protected. The password is your date of birth in dd/mm/yy format. 

If your date of birth is 1st of July 1994, you need to enter 01/07/94 (remember to include the slashes).

Please note if you cannot access your payslip your date of birth may have been completed in a mm/dd/yy format on the Starter Checklist.
If this is the case please send an email to including in the subject line of your email: your full name, ANGLO Team ID, and DOB Check

I haven't received my payslip. What should I do?

Payslips are sent out any time from Wednesday up until 5pm on the Friday. For example, for hours worked Saturday 12th July to Friday 18th July 2025, your payslip will be emailed to you by Friday 25th July at 5pm (sent from the email address

Sometimes your wages arrive in your account before your payslip arrives in your inbox, please also check your spam folder.

If you still cannot locate your payslip by Saturday, please email, including in the subject line of your email: your full name, ANGLO Team ID, and Missing Payslip

I don't have a UK bank account, can you pay me to my international one?

Yes, we can. However, we will pay you less frequently: instead of paying you weekly, we issue payments to international bank accounts on 11th July (for hours worked from 14th June to 4th July inclusive), 1st August (for hours worked from 5th July to 25th July inclusive) and 22nd August (for hours worked from 26th July to 15th August inclusive).

I would like to change the bank account into which I receive payment. What should I do?

Please send an email to containing your updated bank details, including in the subject line of the email: your full name, ANGLO Team ID#, and Bank Account Change.

Please send this request by 5:30pm on Tuesday to be paid into your updated account by the same Friday, otherwise we can only guarantee that your bank details will be changed for the following payment week.

For example if you wish to be paid for hours worked Saturday 12th July to Friday 18th July 2025 into a new bank account, you must send your updated details by 5:30pm on Tuesday 22nd July at the latest in order for your payment to be made into the updated account by Friday 25th July.

Residential Position Information

What address can I use when I'm working in a residential position with ANGLO?


<Your Name>,

c/o ANGLO,

East Park Reception

Rennes Drive

Exeter, EX4 4GX 


<Your Name>,

c/o ANGLO Limited/Mani Talwar,

Central Distribution,

University of Surrey, Guildford,

Surrey, GU2 7XH


<Your Name>,

c/o ANGLO Limited/Kirsty Macdonald,

University of Stirling,

Stirling, FK9 4LA, Scotland, UK


<Your Name>,

ANGLO Office - Lecture Centre,

c/o Fizza Afzal, Conference Office,

Brunel University London,

Kingston Lane,

Middlesex, UB8 3PH


ANGLO- 1224100

<Your Name>

Warwick Conferences

Rootes Building

University of Warwick

Coventry, CV4 7AL

Where will I be staying when I am working with ANGLO? Where do I go when I arrive?

Find all of our campus maps below. You will receive arrival instructions from your Head Office line manager a few days before your arrival.


Campus Map


Campus Map


Campus Map


Campus Map


Campus Map

Travel & Travel Expenses

How do travel expenses work?

When do I get reimbursed for travel expenses?

We refund travel expenses for residential staff. Please see the ANGLO Staff Handbook for more details.

The day after your contract ends you will be issued with a link to submit your travel receipts for reimbursement. When we receive your submission, we will process payment as soon as possible.

If we asked you to travel from one centre to another during your contract, we will pay/refund any travel expenses incurred automatically.

How do I claim my travel expenses back?

We refund travel expenses for residential staff. Please see the ANGLO Staff Handbook for more details.

We will contact you by email one day after your contract ends. The claims procedure is all online - you'll just need your travel ticket receipts*

*These can be scans/photos of your travel receipts (like train or bus) or screenshots from your maps app (for car journeys)

Can I park my car at centre?

At centres, parking, free or otherwise, is available at most locations. Please advise ANGLO Head Office of any parking requirements at least 2 weeks before you begin work, so we can reserve a place. Please note that ANGLO does not pay for parking for its employees.

In some cases, you will need to obtain a permit. Failure to obtain a permit and/or follow the campus parking rules will result in a fine, payable by the employee.

The car parks are not operated by ANGLO and we will not assume any liability for theft, vandalism, fire or damage regarding an employee’s vehicle.

After working with ANGLO

What should I do if I want to work for ANGLO again next year?

Keep any eye on your emails and keep your summer free! In general, we get in touch with all staff in late January to see if you are interested in working for us again.

What happens if I'm ill and can't turn up for work?

If you are unwell, inform your line manager immediately so that cover can be found. Your line manager will keep in touch with you.