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Staying Safe and Keeping Others Safe

Β All ANGLO staff members must read and ensure they understand these safety documents.

ANGLO Emergency Reaction Plans.pdf

ANGLO Emergency Reaction Plans (Staff orientated)

In the very unlikely event of a firearms or weapons attack, run to a safe place. Don't stop to talk. If you can't run, then hide somewhere. Turn off the sound and vibration on your phone. If you can, block the door so the dangerous person can't get in. When you are in a safe position, then tell the police by calling 999.

Student orientated Run, Hide, Tell poster

If you see a fire alert others by activating the fire alarm, then leave the building using the stairs. When you are safe, check in with your Group Leader. If you hear the fire alarm, leave the building using the stairs, meet at the assembly point. When you are safe, check in with your Group Leader

Student orientated Fire poster